Rescuing Your Stainless Steel Appliances

Posted by Flitz International on 19th Mar 2020

How to Clean Your Stainless Steel

When you bought that stainless steel appliance set, you probably figured you’d get away without cleaning as often as the word stainless must mean it’s indestructible, right? Unfortunately, all appliances can use a good clean every now and then, even stainless steel! If you’ve neglected your appliances with hopes that they would self-clean, you’re just in time to rescue them! With the help of the Flitz Stainless Steel Appliance Kit, you’ll receive your best stainless steel clean with our Liquid PolishMicrofiber ClothsStainless Steel and Chrome Cleaner, and our Stainless Steel and Chrome Polish. This set works together to remove any and all noticeable smudges and prints from your stainless appliances.

Stainless Steel Cleaner/Degreaser

If you begin to notice accumulating fingerprints, food stains, water spots, oil and grease residue, and more, this is the perfect cleaner for you. All you’ll need to rid yourself of these eye sores will be a quick spray of the Stainless Steel Cleaner with Degreaser followed by a wipe down with our Microfiber Cloth, included in the kit.

Stainless Steel Polish

To prevent future damage and buildup amongst your stainless appliances, use this polish to provide a protective coat or gloss. To seal your appliances with a heavy duty clean, all you’ll need to do is spray the polish on and wipe it off with the Microfiber Cloth. This quick gesture is all it takes to prevent regular scrubbing and cleaning as you’ll be left with an extended layer of protection!

Liquid Metal Polish

This polish is good to use on any stainless appliance, including sinks, to wipe away stubborn water stains and surface rust. Similar to our Stainless Steel Polish, you’ll simply use a small amount with the Microfiber Cloth to wipe away imperfections. When it comes to your stainless steel sinks, use the Liquid Metal Polish to remove soap residue and water stains that have accumulated over time, leaving you with a newly protected sink!

Get your Stainless Steel Appliance Kit from Flitz along with cleaning care products for any area of your home in need of a pick-me-up!